The map showing facility location at Robert Yeager Health Center.  

50 Sanatorium Rd, Bldg A Room 159

Pomona, NY 10970

Parking Lot Entrance

The picture depicts a view of the entrance way from the parking lot which is patrolled by the Security Guard in between visiting sessions to avoid loitering as explained to both the Visiting Parent and the Custodial Parent at the time of the Virtual 1-1 Intake Interview and outlined within the Parent Handbook. When entering the doors of the entrance area, immediately to the right is an enclosed area containing a county Security Guard who provides additional security for victim parents and child, if necessary. There is camera surveillance.

Entrance into building

Looking through the double set of doors, the parking area can be seen and offers visibility for the Security Guard to patrol the area for loitering. This is the area where the visiting parent enters and greeted by the Security Guard who escorts them to room 159. This is also the entry for the custodial parents to bring the child who is greeted by the Supervisor and then escorted to room 159. Supervised visitation is a type of visitation that allows a non-custodial parent to maintain contact with their children in a controlled environment. Visitation is ordered by the court with a supervisor present.

Entrance from hallway into Registration Area

The door shown to the right of the picture is the ingress from the corridor outside as depicted by the window area. Visiting Parents enter through this door escorted by the Security Guard directly into the registration area.

Ingress to Registration Desk 

This picture identifies the registration area under which the print upon the wall, shows a chair and the corner of the registration desk. Detailed guidelines are explained at intake interview and as stated in the parent handbook for what is and what is not allowed at the visit including the identification of sufficient safety precautions.

Egress from Registration Area

The windows identify the hallway from the visiting rooms into the outside corridor to which the Security Guard escorts the Visiting Parents to exit the building at which point he then greets the incoming Visiting Parents.

Registration Desk

View of the registration desk in the main lobby. Program Director greets arriving visiting parents. The Visiting Parents must register at the registration desk with the Program Director prior to being escorted to the Screening/ Waiting Area by the Program Security Guard. The registration desk identifies a basket with a sign requesting Visiting Parents to leave their mobile telephones. The Program Director remains seated at the desk to greet and register the Visiting Parent and upon registration they are escorted into the Waiting Room immediately opposite.

Waiting Room

View of Visiting Waiting Room. The Program Security Guard escorts the Visiting Parent into this room after registering with the Program Director. The Program Security Guard screens each Visiting Parent which includes; checking of pockets, purses and bags for weapons or non permissible items.The Visiting Parent then remains in the waiting room until the Program Security Guard escorts them to their visitation room. The large waiting room is an ideal spot for Visiting Parents to show any gifts or packages that they may have brought for their children. All packages are required to be wrapped in transparent paper for inspection.

Office/Lactating Room

The Office is rarely used and offers privacy and cleanliness for lactating mothers and personnel. Behind the screen there is a chair, relevant reading materials, a table, and lamp for comfort purposes.

Visiting Rooms

Views of the four visitation rooms. One visiting parent/child(ren) and supervisor is assigned to each room. The visiting parent at each visit must be punctual and behave,  politely  and in compliant with all the rules and instructions of the parent handbook. Visiting Parents are permitted to bring their own toys, accepted foods (according to the program rules) and games for their visits as well bringing in toys from the Toy Storage Area prior to their visit. Rooms are accessible only from the interior hallway(registration area). Each room contains garbage cans for interactive clean up between the visiting parent and child(ren), PPE materials, and disinfectant wipes to sanitize surfaces are available. These rooms are spacious with new furniture and an electronic toy, if required. The Supervisor sits at a discreet distance within hearing and the space offers this ability. A Reading Nook is going to be installed with bookshelves and rugs.

Toy Storage Area

The toy storage area provides engagement between the visiting parent and child due to the ability for the child to select the toy, discuss the selection, remove and take into the visiting room. The anticipated outcome of court ordered visitation is to ensure the child is safe, protected and to help them engage with the visiting parent.

Program Staff

Supervised Visitation employs court approved supervisors and our six (6) key staff members for the On-Site Visitation Program:

Kristin Rossetti, Program Manager

Chad Turner, Program Coordinator

Brenda Conklin, Senior Program Director

Diane Gabriel, Contingent Program Director

Matthew Harrison, Security

Paige Harrison, Contingent Security